The Virus that Contaminates Your Communications

News reporters are spewing out COVID-19 crisis stories around the clock. There is another virus worthy of your full attention as you help lead your organization through this time of testing. It is a communication virus that our team at Benchmark Communications calls a Thought Virus. This virus contaminates your daily messaging and communications. It …

Conflict Resolution Skills in the Age of Rage

Flexibility and conflict resolution skills are essential career tools! The odds are you will be challenged by someone or something every day of your life. Workplace conflicts are taking a costly toll on businesses. This could be why HR leaders and job recruiters consistently rank flexibility skills and conflict resolution skills in the top ten of …

POWERFUL GESTURES: 3 TED Talk Secrets For Every Presenter

Effective Speakers Use Gestures Powerful gestures are essential if you aspire to be an influential speaker. Beto O’Rourke’s frenetic gestures went viral when he announced his run for president. As a result he quickly became the talk of social media, comedy shows and news reports. Gestures play a powerful role in communication and public speaking, …

10 TIPS FOR EFFECTIVE PRESENTATIONS: Ending PowerPoint Misery & Misuse

Bad PowerPoint Presentations – The Root of the Pain So far during your education and career how many hours have you sat through boring presentations with text-laden PowerPoint slides or busy graphics? You sneak peeks at your cell phone to stay occupied while the presenter drones on and on – at times reading ALL the …


There are many technically competent people in the workplace, but there appears to be a shortage of people with a good foundation of soft skills. A recent survey reveals 92% of leaders say their employees need stronger soft skills to compete in today’s marketplace. It is true that solid communication skills and empathy skills are …