NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTIONS THAT WORK: Studies Reveal the Right Recipe

Many people have a love / hate relationship with New Year’s resolutions. They either look forward to them – or grimace at the very thought. A recent study by the University of Scranton confirms this great divide, finding 45% of Americans usually make resolutions while 38% absolutely never go down that road. The study also …

Presentation Openings: Engage Your Audience Right Out of the Starting Blocks

Starting blocks are designed to give sprinters an explosive horizontal burst. If you watched the Rio Olympics, you saw how quickly nine-time Olympic gold medalist, Usain Bolt, got the edge on other runners right from the start. The same is true when you present – if you want to gain the edge when you present, …

Michael Phelps’ 4 Performance Secrets – – And How You Can Use Them Every Day

If you Google “state management” you will likely be directed to sites about state government. But, state management is a term we have used for many years from our expertise in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) to describe how to get yourself into a winning zone so you can access peak mental and physical states to …

Hope In The Midst Of Dallas Police Tragedy: The Power of Crisis Leadership & The Right Spokespersons

Chaos is often the rule of the day when a tragic crisis occurs. Chaos reigned on the streets of downtown Dallas when a gunman bent on killing white people and white police officers went on a crazed rampage. When the smoke cleared, five policemen were dead and many others injured. It was the deadliest day …

Proof Why Leaders Need Ongoing Media Coaching: Ken Starr’s Train Wreck of a Media Interview

No one would purposely drop their CEO or other top leader in the middle of the ocean without a life jacket. Right? Yet, you continually see unprepared leaders go on camera for important news media interviews. This just happened to former Baylor University Chancellor, Ken Starr, during an interview with a local Waco, Texas news …

Texts, Lies & Videotape: How Nonverbals Set Tom Brady’s Pants On Fire!

Text messages proved to be the centerpiece of the NFL’s investigation and conclusion that Super Bowl MVP Tom Brady and two other Patriot’s employees most likely knew about the now infamous deflated footballs. Not everyone agrees on the penalties being assessed against Brady and the Patriots, but almost everyone agrees that Tom Brady’s pants were …